Who is Nina?

  • likes making lists.
  • loves her work, which ranges from festival production to digital media making.
  • lives in a tiny apartment on the top floor of a really old building.
  • loves Helsinki and several other cities. Some of which she hasn't been to.
  • really doesn't drink as much as this blog implies.
  • has a somewhat skewed notion of what beauty is.
  • has an imaginary self, who's always a little cooler and one step ahead of its real life counterpart.
  • enjoys lying to complete strangers at bars.
  • enjoys going to bars.
  • wishes she'd started playing the ukulele at 14 instead of at 24.
  • likes throwing costume parties. 
  • loves watching boys eat.
  • has been designing her tattoos for eons. 
  • admires people who love what they do.
  • likes macabre stories, especially when they feature little kids as protagonists.
  • frequently pretends she's foreign when confronted with unnerving situations.
  • thinks festivals are the highlights of summer.
  • wishes she had a soundtrack to her life.
  • admires a lot of her friends as well as the people she works with.
  • honestly thinks this blog is not a shameless attempt at exhibitionism or self-aggrandizement, but rather an account of the escapades of a girl who likes to write about stuff.
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